Empirical Lab lil FrEQ Plugin Review & GUI Tutorial


Empirical Lab lil FrEQ Plugin Review & GUI Tutorial Download - http://bit.ly/LilFrEQ​ From the team @SoftubeStudios​ The warm and punchy analogue sound of the Empirical Labs Lil FrEQ makes it something of an oddity in the world of equalizers. But it’s no sideshow. With its heart-shaped box of tricks, mighty analogue tone, and de-essing chops, Softube were hard-pressed to think of a more powerful analogue EQ. It’s what makes Lil FrEQ the ace in the hole for so many high-profile recording engineers and mixing professionals. When your equalizer features eight different processing sections, you can ditch the multi-plug-in setup and get on with it. The native software version—expertly modelled under the watchful eye of Dave Derr himself—gives you all that tone-shaping and correction power, plus supernatural sound quality, and flavour galore. In a word, it's un-freakin-believable.


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